Jerzy W. Rozenblit, PhD
Jerzy W. Rozenblit is University Distinguished Professor, Raymond J. Oglethorpe Endowed Chair in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and Professor of Surgery in the College of Medicine at The University of Arizona. From 2003 to 2011 he served as the ECE Department Head. During his tenure at the University of Arizona, he established the Model-Based Design Laboratory with major projects in design and analysis of complex, computer-based systems, hardware/software codesign, and simulation modeling. The projects have been funded by the National Science Foundation, US Army, Siemens, Infineon Technologies, Rockwell, McDonnell Douglas, NASA, Raytheon, and Semiconductor Research Corporation. He has extensive teaching experience and conducts a vigorous graduate program as evidenced by many successful PhD and MSc students and Best Teacher awards. Dr. Rozenblit has been active in professional service in capacities ranging from editorship of ACM, IEEE, and Society for Computer Simulation Transactions, program and general chairmanship of major conferences, to participation in various university and departmental committees. Among several visiting assignments, he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Systems Science, Johannes Kepler University, Austria, Research Fellow at the US Army Research Laboratories, Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich, University of Perugia, and Fulbright Senior Specialist in Cracow, Poland. Over the years, he has developed strong associations with the private sector and government entities. His management and project experience includes over $20 million in externally funded research. He had served as a research scientist and visiting professor at Siemens AG and Infineon AG Central Research and Development Laboratories in Munich, where over the years he was instrumental in the development of design frameworks for complex, computer-based systems. Currently, jointly with the Arizona Surgical Technology and Education Center, he is developing computer guided training methods and systems for minimally invasive surgery. Co-author of several edited monographs and over two hundred publications, Jerzy holds the PhD and MS degrees in Computer Science from Wayne State University, Michigan.